3 Hour Class designed for Birth Workers
Learning Objectives:
Define evidence-based care and discuss statistics on the quality of birth settings in our local community
Discuss the major reasons why we have an evidence-practice gap, including the power hierarchy and how it is a barrier to evidence-based, family-centered care
Discuss ways that we can bridge the evidence-practice gap at the system level
Discuss specific strategies we can use to help our clients obtain evidence-based care
3.5 Hour Class designed for Labour and Delivery Nurses, and Birth Workers
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the evidence on comfort measures
Demonstrate a variety of comfort measures
Discuss how we can overcome barriers to providing comfort measures
This seminar is worth 3.5 nursing contact hours from the Kentucky Board of Nursing. Nursing contact hours can typically be applied to most nursing, doula and childbirth educator certifications, as well as the CPM credential.
Ready to learn more? Contact me today for more details!